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2019 2nd Vice President

David Sadenwasser

Vilas County


I am a Capricorn.  My interests include long boat rides past beaches, discussing the merits of manual transmission vehicles, and baseball.  I like to cook but I like to eat even more.  I live in Conover with myself and some deer that will not stop eating my Arbor Vitae.  I allow several red squirrels to live rent free in my garage so I guess you can say I run an animal shelter in my spare time.  In all seriousness though…


I am originally from Waukesha, Wisconsin, where I was born and raised.  I graduated from Northern Michigan University with a Bachelor’s degree in Geography in 2004, but I liked life in the Upper Peninsula so I stayed for a number of years after graduation and worked in the vault at a casino.  I began my career in zoning as a secretary with Vilas County in 2008.


My favorite part of WCCA is the spirit of helpfulness and camaraderie that exists.  I think that I always sort of take that for granted, because I have had the opportunity to talk to people in other departments around the courthouse, and none of them seem to network quite the same way that we do.  I appreciate the wealth of knowledge our group has and more importantly the willingness to share it.  I learn something new and useful at every conference – even if it is often learned in the hallway or hospitality room.


I have been excited to see the WCCA take up the mantle of education in the last couple of years.  I always thought that was a service that we could provide, because there are not always a lot of trainings that teach how to do things from a regulatory standpoint.  I think that has been a fantastic improvement.  I feel that continuing to promote the development of our younger members is critically important because that conference room gets younger every year.


In my spare time I enjoy reading, boating, cooking and hiking. I am in a bowling league but that mostly just causes me heartbreak and frustration.


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2019 Secretary/Treasurer

Krista Kamke

Green Lake County


I’ve been in the zoning field since September of 2016.  I moved to Green Lake County in 2015 for a position with a non-profit, focused on conservation of and education about our natural resources.  I specifically worked with lake associations, volunteers, and school groups on aquatic invasive species education and spread prevention. 


When funding opportunities shifted, I looked to continue work as a steward of the water resources via regulation and outreach to property owners and local contractors.  I studied soil and water chemistry and fishery management at UW-Stevens Point, with coursework emphasizing GIS in the emergency management setting.


I came on boards with Green Lake County the week our new shoreland ordinance went into effect.  Two short weeks later was WCCA Fall Conference.  While I understood very little of the minutiae that first year (ASTM 3034 vs 1785/2665? Why is everyone angry about variances?), what I did know is that this was a special group of people...  Who else dedicates their careers to improving the lives in their communities by protecting people from their own bacteria? Who is berated for following accepted guidelines? Insulted for providing input on plans, which turns into an ‘I told you so’ moment less than a year later? Yup, these were my people.  I experienced similar from my time as a staff member in the residence halls at college. 


My grandiose hope is that we can reinvest in the education about current and proposed legislature, both to our members and to our elected officials.  Concise ways to explain the magnitude of changes prior to them taking effect, and reminders that the mission and goal of the ordinances should be reflected in the passages.  This purpose is negated when chosen representatives circumvent the due process, especially when the impact was not thoroughly thought through. I bring experience making educational and visual representations of standards and accepted practices, so I hope to bring the standards we enforce into understandable formats for my county and for adaptation across the state if others see fit. 


I have two dogs who love adventuring on local state and conservancy lands, which keeps us all active.  I’m an avid crafter and love trying new projects for family and friends.  My recent reads have been mostly nonfiction, either research-based (human behavior research professor Brene Brown) or policy-based (Cadillac Desert by Marc Reisner, The Color of Law by Richard Rothstein).

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