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2016 Spring District Reports


SOUTHEAST DISTICT - Andrew Baker, Rock County

The Southeast District had a meeting on January 25, 2016 with the primary purpose to have a NR 115 Workshop with DNR Representatives.  The focus was on implementation of Act 55, but we also discussed the potential impact of pending legislation.  Similar to the last few years, the best thing to do as those charged with enforcing land use codes and ordinances is continue to adapt to the changes with a focus on educating landowners and consistent enforcement within your jurisdiction.  As we all know, one goal of the recent changes to legislation related to Shoreland Zoning was to have generally consistent ordinances state wide.  The SE District members were reminded of that as we worked through the example case, of course there are other factors such as General Zoning (Town or County), Floodplain Zoning, local wetland regulations, etc, to consider for each particular project.   Those in attendance were also reminded that while Act 55 made revisions to State Statutes related to Shoreland Zoning, the DNR has not been given the authority to revise the administrative code (NR 115).  The model ordinance reflects the statutory changes only, therefore, as we amend our ordinances and implement these changes it is important to know there will be some inconsistences between the Statute and Code.

The District intends to meet again in May, which may include a discussion with Secretary Ross from DSPS. As for other District news, I was elected SE District Rep after very limited campaigning.  Thank you to Amy Barrows from Waukesha County for her most recent term as District Rep.  I am returning to the world of WCCA after transferring back to the Rock County Planning and Development Agency full-time from the Land Conservation Department in December.  In my previous position, I started in Planning and Development twelve years ago as Planner - Code Administrator and was gradually transferred to Land Conservation over the years when administration of Erosion Control, Storm Water Management and Nonmetallic Mine Reclamation was shifted and work load changed within the County.  I return now to take over the Senior Planner – Code Administration and Enforcement position after Colin Byrnes was appointed as the Department Director.  I look forward to representing the SE District and meeting more of the members from the state at up-coming conferences.   


NORTHEAST DISTRICT - Jeremy Johnson, Menominee County

NEWCCA met on February 5 in Crandon to discuss online permit and reporting systems.  Rich Wolosyn (Florence County) showed how their online system works for POWTS contractors related to maintenance reporting.  Rich also demonstrated the various uses and queries for which the online system can be used by the county.  Karl Jennrich (Oneida) and Dave Sadenwasser (Vilas) also demonstrated their online permit and information systems for the group. In the NEWCCA business meeting, the group unanimously voted to accept Lincoln County into the northeast.  Now it will be up to the northwest district and the WCCA executive board to finalize this move of Lincoln County from the northwest to the northeast district.  NEWCCA will have its next meeting in Kelly Lake, in conjunction with the East Central District on March 10. A look into the Vilas County Zoning and Planning Department:  Currently scanning all of the filed zoning and sanitary permits in order to make them available in electronic form through our GIS Mapping and Zoning Department websites.  Currently have 3 of the 14 towns scanned and are adding more permits every day.  Looking back to 2015, permits were up 15% overall, and a very high 96% response rate for the sanitary maintenance program.


EAST CENTRAL DISTICT - Brian Giebel, Calumet County

The East Central District meets throughout the winter months.  In December we met with Kay Lutze and Dale Rezabek of the DNR for an Act 55 Training Day and in January our District invited Mark Finger to our meeting to provide a POWTS Training Session.  In February we'll be touring the Ridges Sanctuary in Door County and in March we'll be meeting in Kelly Lake with the NE District for a Joint meeting.


SOUTHERN DISTRICT - Adam Weigel, Green County

The Southern District met in Sauk County on January 7, 2016.  About twenty people were present for the Shoreland workshop presented by Kay Lutze.  Dan Everson of Dane County did such a great job as Southern District Rep, he got promoted to 1st Vice President of WCCA.  Congrats Dan.  Adam Wiegel will finish out Dan’s term.


WEST CENTRAL DISTRICT - Dean Johnson, Marathon County

The wild ride begins. I would like to thank everyone for the opportunity to serve as the West Central District president/Rep. I hope I am able to keep up the high quality that past presidents have set for standards. Our next meeting is scheduled for March 10, 2016 at the Chippewa County. Watch for the agenda to come out. Other business, your counties should have received membership renewals from Tony Roder. Please get these back to us in the next month. And thanks to all that have already sent it in.


NORTHWEST DISTRICT - CeCe Tesky, Rusk County

The Northwest District met February 17 in Hayward. Mike Wenholz of the DNR attended the meeting and helped answer some of our questions regarding shoreland ordinance changes. Lincoln County has completed their revisions. Douglas and Taylor County are near completion. Other counties are somewhere in between. Lincoln County wishes to move to the NE district. Our by-laws require that the change be discussed at a meeting at least one meeting prior to the vote. The members will vote on this change at their April meeting. CeCe will be taking over as the interim WCCA Secertary/Treasurer so Vice President Jay Kozlowski from Sawyer County will be taking over as WCCA District Rep. The district will hold a Staff Training event for frontline staff this summer. CeCe is working with Lynn Markham to have a zoning committee workshop in the beginning of May. 


CENTRAL DISTRICT - Jeff Brewbaker, Wood County

Central distict provided the Member and County Spotlight segment.

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